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*Book Blitz* Recently Released: Celestia by Yumoyori Wilson #Giveaway & Excerpt! Tour by @XpressoTours

Welcome to my stop on the Book Blitz tour for:

by Yumoyori Wilson
(Unicorn Blessed Chronicles, #1)
Recently Released: March 2nd 2018
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

What do you get when your father’s a centaur and your mother’s a powerful magician?

A unicorn shifter…

You’d think being the only known unicorn shifter in the world would have a few benefits. Like, people treating you kindly or getting special treatment from the council. Not in my case. I’d be lucky to get a piece of bread thrown at me.

My name is Celestia Rainbow, and yes, my last name is ****ing Rainbow.

Shifters assume that I’m kind by nature, but trust me: I’m fierce, short-tempered and have the mouth of a sailor. Add in my stealthy fighting skills, advanced magic casting, and swift movement, I’m someone you wouldn’t want to mess with. But everyone looks at my shifter side — my ditzy, peaceful half, sprinkling magic dust, and on a mission to end world hunger.

Regardless of my dual personality, I’ve sworn to become a huntress at Aslan Academy. Now that I’m of age–my lucky twenty-fifth birthday just happens to coincide with the entrance exams–I’m ready to prove my worth.

Too bad I’m grouped up with six sinful looking men.

Time to prove to my community, classmates and this attractive bunch of weirdos that unicorns can kick ass too.

CELESTIA is a new REVERSE HAREM, paranormal series. Recommended for 18+ audiences, containing mature sexual content, violence and strong language.

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“Celestia? Are you okay?” Orion asked.

I peeked through my fingers to see his concerned face; those light purple eyes looked even more alluring up close. I bit my lip, lowering my hand to stare up at him. “I’m sorry for earlier. Like the whole pinning you down and kissing you senseless situation,” I apologized and glanced down.

“I didn’t mind,” Orion replied. His hand brushed against my cheek, trailing down to my chin, before tilting my head upward to look at him. He gave me a little smile. “For my first kiss, I didn’t expect that. You’re a good kisser, Celestia.” He winked.

I groaned, “I’m so sorry!” I bowed my head again and again. Great! Not only did I make a fool of myself and kiss him, I took away his first kiss. Wait, FIRST kiss!

I looked back up at him with a shocked expression, his admission sinking in. He nodded in understanding.

“Yes. First kiss. And don’t apologize. It was fun,” he admitted. He leaned in, whispering in my ear. “But next time, I want to be the one to kiss you,” he teased.


Author Bio:

Yumoyori Wilson is from Toronto, Ontario. She loves to sleep and write her days away. She works at night as a registered nurse. She has a little addiction to bubble tea and coffee but loves to workout. She has big plans for the writing world and can’t wait to share them with everyone.

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