Book Spotlight

*Release Announcement* A Locket of No Particular Significance by Florien St John

Hello awesome readers, today I'm announcing the book-birthday of new epic fantasy, A Locket of No Particular Significance (The First Book of Weskerlee): A Whimsical Historical Fantasy of Faerie by Florien St John. This book is available in both Kindle e-book format and paperback. Free if you have KU, if not you can try Kindle… Continue reading *Release Announcement* A Locket of No Particular Significance by Florien St John

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

(REVIEW) Dr. Herbert West & Astounding Tales of Medical Malpractice by Bruce Brown #ShortReadsSaturdays

Hello awesome readers. Today I'm doing another Short Reads Saturdays where I knock out a review for one of the shorter books on my TBR pile. Today's book is a really fun one. A graphic novel about a child genius who causes catastrophes with his mad science wherever he goes. I hope you enjoy my… Continue reading (REVIEW) Dr. Herbert West & Astounding Tales of Medical Malpractice by Bruce Brown #ShortReadsSaturdays

Memes & Tags · Reviews

#ThrowbackThursday Review Edition — Sir Philip’s Folly by M. C. Beaton

Hello awesome readers. I wanted to share one of my early reviews I posted 7 years ago on the old blog. I really loved this book and it makes me feel nostalgic just looking at this old review. It also makes me long for historical romance and historical fiction, genres I used to read quite… Continue reading #ThrowbackThursday Review Edition — Sir Philip’s Folly by M. C. Beaton

Book Spotlight

Released Today: Lyssa Strata by Martti Nelson @MaladyMartti

Hello lovely readers. I am delighted to share this new book with you that was just released TODAY! LYSSA STRATA by Martti Nelson. A diverse modern take on the ancient Greek comedy Lysistrata. I personally cannot wait to dive into this book! You can read the first chapter by clicking here. Or find the whole… Continue reading Released Today: Lyssa Strata by Martti Nelson @MaladyMartti


(REVIEW) Schmuck the Buck: Santa’s Jewish Reindeer by EXO Books @EXO_Books Illustrations by Karina Shor @karina_shor. A satirical holiday picture book for adults.

Hello awesome readers. I hope everyone has been having a fantastic holiday season! It has been a mad blur for me and I cannot believe the year is almost over. I'm sorry I meant to have this review done much sooner. Schmuck the Buck: Santa's Jewish Reindeer by EXO Books is a really fun book… Continue reading (REVIEW) Schmuck the Buck: Santa’s Jewish Reindeer by EXO Books @EXO_Books Illustrations by Karina Shor @karina_shor. A satirical holiday picture book for adults.

Book Spotlight

New Release — Willoughby’s Time & Space App by Jon Koons @JestmasterJon #RRSciFiMonth

Hello awesome readers, I am happy to announce the release of a new science fiction novel suitable for adults and teens that fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy will want to check out! Released today Nov. 30th by Mindbender Press, Willoughby's Time & Space App by Jon Koon. Two Human Teens. One Intergalactic Resort. An Alien Pageant Under Attack. Time to Party!

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*Book Blitz #Giveaway & Excerpt* The Unscripted Life of Lizzy Dillinger by Marianne Hansen @MarianneHansenR Tour by @lolasblogtours

This is my stop during the book blitz for The Unscripted Life of Lizzy Dillinger by Marianne Hansen. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 5 till 11 November. See the tour schedule here. The Unscripted Life of Lizzy Dillinger By Marianne Hansen Genre: Women’s Fiction Age category:… Continue reading *Book Blitz #Giveaway & Excerpt* The Unscripted Life of Lizzy Dillinger by Marianne Hansen @MarianneHansenR Tour by @lolasblogtours


(REVIEW) Monsters in the Clouds by Russell James @RRJames14 #ihba

Paleontologist Dr. Grant Coleman reluctantly agrees to venture into the Amazon rainforest as an expert for a mysterious company known as Transworld Union. They are looking for traces of modern day Apatosaurus after catching an image of one on film. After arriving in the Amazon they quickly realize they are in over their heads and that there are things hidden in this world that should never have been disturbed.


(REVIEW) FAT CAMP by James Sabata @JamesSabata #ihba

Since 1985, over 500 overweight teenagers have come to Camp Wašíču, looking to lose weight, gain self-confidence, and turn their lives around. Phillip McCracken arrives, weighing in at almost 400 pounds; but the baggage he carries from the past affects him much more deeply than the numbers of the scale. When a homicidal maniac hell-bent on revenge attacks, Phillip will be forced to either find the courage to save the people around him or fall victim to his own self-doubt…

Book Spotlight

Book Spotlight: Reading Blue Devils by Jon Bennett @jbennett830

Book Spotlight, Reading Blue Devils, new debut release by Jon Bennett. I finished this book recently and loved it! I unfortunately wasn't able to get around to finishing my review in time for this post, but stay tuned for that… I'm thinking Sunday… Anwhoos, this is a great book that explores the struggles for equality and… Continue reading Book Spotlight: Reading Blue Devils by Jon Bennett @jbennett830

Guest Post

*Guest Post* Why the high school setting is a challenge to Write by Jon Bennett @jbennett830 Author of Reading Blue Devils

Why the high school setting is a challenge to Write High school. Two words that represent four or more years of our lives. The best of times and the worst of times. The age of wisdom. The age of foolishness. The season of light. The season of darkness. The spring of hope. The winter of… Continue reading *Guest Post* Why the high school setting is a challenge to Write by Jon Bennett @jbennett830 Author of Reading Blue Devils