Book Spotlight

*New Release Book Spotlight* The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin’ Tootin’ Dark Elf Shootin’ Sequel by Rhett Sinnema

Hello awesome readers. Got an announcement today about a brand spanking new book! The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin' Tootin' Dark Elf Shootin' Sequel by Rhett Sinnema was just released. This book follows closely behind Book 1 of the Spellbinder Saga, Artemis the Fey: A gun slingin' fantasy adventure, that was released last month. To avoid… Continue reading *New Release Book Spotlight* The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin’ Tootin’ Dark Elf Shootin’ Sequel by Rhett Sinnema

Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ May 19, 2020 ~ Mind The Edge by Bailey Mikkelson and Chris Luchian @collabookshelf

Hello awesome readers and welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: — Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “teaser”… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ May 19, 2020 ~ Mind The Edge by Bailey Mikkelson and Chris Luchian @collabookshelf


(REVIEW) The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

Hello awesome readers. Today I have a review for you for a full-blown-novel! Woohoo, about time! I know I haven't been reading and reviewing as much with my little one up and walking around now but I'm making the best of sheltering in place by reading as much as I can. She's never been good… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart


(REVIEW) Schmuck the Buck: Santa’s Jewish Reindeer by EXO Books @EXO_Books Illustrations by Karina Shor @karina_shor. A satirical holiday picture book for adults.

Hello awesome readers. I hope everyone has been having a fantastic holiday season! It has been a mad blur for me and I cannot believe the year is almost over. I'm sorry I meant to have this review done much sooner. Schmuck the Buck: Santa's Jewish Reindeer by EXO Books is a really fun book… Continue reading (REVIEW) Schmuck the Buck: Santa’s Jewish Reindeer by EXO Books @EXO_Books Illustrations by Karina Shor @karina_shor. A satirical holiday picture book for adults.

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

Library of Absolution by Jennifer Derrick @JDerrickAuthor Pub by @CrimsonTreePub *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway and Excerpt* Tour by @XpressoTours

Library of Absolution Jennifer Derrick (Legacy of the Book Mesmer, #1) Published by: Crimson Tree Publishing Publication date: December 17th 2018 Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance Alarick Brandon is the powerful wizard who operates The Keep, a refuge for magical people fleeing the persecution of the Ministry. A bitter realist, Alarick knows it’s only a matter… Continue reading Library of Absolution by Jennifer Derrick @JDerrickAuthor Pub by @CrimsonTreePub *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway and Excerpt* Tour by @XpressoTours

Book Spotlight

New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp

Hello awesome readers. I am pleased to announce the birth of a new book, Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp. A dystopian thriller where citizens act as bounty hunters of terrorists. Find the blurb, trailer, links and more below! The United States nearly bankrupted itself fighting terrorism. Traditional law enforcement failed. In order to… Continue reading New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp

Book Spotlight · Reviews

Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror

Hello awesome readers. Today a fantastic new book was released into the world, Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun. I was really excited to read this book because another book by this author (Dead Over Heels) was one of my past Book of the Month winners. I was certainly not disappointed with this novel. It features… Continue reading Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror

Book Spotlight

*Book Spotlight — New Release* Soulless Creatures: Heart Scars by C. M. Blasco @SoullessBook #Free for a limited time!

Free for just a few days, new release by debut author, Soulless Creatures by C. M. Blasco. Is Lisa an innocent little girl, or a wicked monster? It's been 10 years since we last met, but she hasn’t aged in the slightest. She’s still the same girl I fell in love with when I was young, and who I've been trying to kill ever since. The only problem is: I can’t even lay a finger on her. She’s too strong for me, and claims that an even stronger vampire is the one really responsible for what she did. She needs my help to kill him, and I don’t know what to do…

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays Mini(REVIEW) Uncle Bud’s Health Mine and the Girl Who’s Going to Fix the World by Mary Patterson Thornburg @MaryPThornburg

Hello awesome readers. Today's short read Saturday is a quick little read from an author that is on my November TBR. Soon I'll be reading the novel A Glimmer of Guile by Mary Patterson Thornburg, but today I am reviewing one of my 24-hour read-a-thon reads, Uncle Bud's Health Mine and the Girl Who's Going… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays Mini(REVIEW) Uncle Bud’s Health Mine and the Girl Who’s Going to Fix the World by Mary Patterson Thornburg @MaryPThornburg


(REVIEW) Uncle Vernon by Jenny Twist @JennyTwist1 #HalloweenReading #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons

Hello awesome readers. I'm so glad I was able to knock another backlist book off my TBR! I haven't been able to read many backlisted books because I've been so busy reading 2018 releases as a judge for the Indie Horror Book Awards but I saved this special book from my TBR just for today…… Continue reading (REVIEW) Uncle Vernon by Jenny Twist @JennyTwist1 #HalloweenReading #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays Mini(REVIEW) Out of Time by Milo James Fowler @mfowler76 #TimeTravel short stories.

Hello awesome readers and welcome to another Short Reads Saturday. Those special Saturdays when we knock short books off our TBR list. I am obsessed with time travel so I am excited to share today's book which includes 2 short stories featuring strange anomalies in time… enjoy!


(REVIEW) What If Everybody Said That? by Ellen Javernick #Author & Colleen Madden #Illustrator. Illustrated children’s #bookreview

What If Everybody Said That? Author: Ellen Javernick Illustrator: Colleen Madden Category: Illustrated Children’s Book Suitable for: All ages, Ideal for ages 3 to 7. My Rating: 4 Stars Format Read for Review: Kindle First Pages: 24 Description: This is the story of a mean little girl who has her little clique and wont include anyone… Continue reading (REVIEW) What If Everybody Said That? by Ellen Javernick #Author & Colleen Madden #Illustrator. Illustrated children’s #bookreview