
(REVIEW) The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

Hello awesome readers. Today I have a review for you for a full-blown-novel! Woohoo, about time! I know I haven't been reading and reviewing as much with my little one up and walking around now but I'm making the best of sheltering in place by reading as much as I can. She's never been good… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ Apr. 28, 2020 ~ The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

Hello awesome readers and welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: — Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “te… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Apr. 28, 2020 ~ The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

Book Spotlight · Reviews

Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror

Hello awesome readers. Today a fantastic new book was released into the world, Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun. I was really excited to read this book because another book by this author (Dead Over Heels) was one of my past Book of the Month winners. I was certainly not disappointed with this novel. It features… Continue reading Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*Book Blitz* Grayghost by Tamara Grantham w/ #Giveaway, Deleted Scenes & more! Tour by @XpressoTours

Hello awesome readers. Welcome to my stop on the blitz tour for Grayghost by Tamara Grantham. Be sure to enter the giveaway and enjoy the excerpt and deleted scene! Grayghost by Tamara Grantham (Fairy World MD., #7) Published by: Crimson Tree Publishing Publication date: February 26th 2018 Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance The final installment in the… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Grayghost by Tamara Grantham w/ #Giveaway, Deleted Scenes & more! Tour by @XpressoTours

Blog Tour · Cover Reveal

*Cover Reveal* The Trouble with Unicorns by D.T. Dyllin @DTDyllin Tour by @XpressoTours

The Trouble with Unicorns D.T. Dyllin (Team Unicorn Talia, #1) Publication date: April 2018 Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance Part-time demon tracker, full-time optimist … Talia White does what comes naturally to a Unicorn: Balances the scales between light and dark with hefty doses of love and joy. Faced with a string of high profile demon… Continue reading *Cover Reveal* The Trouble with Unicorns by D.T. Dyllin @DTDyllin Tour by @XpressoTours