Blog Tour · Cover Reveal

*Cover Reveal* The Trouble with Unicorns by D.T. Dyllin @DTDyllin Tour by @XpressoTours

The Trouble with Unicorns
D.T. Dyllin
(Team Unicorn Talia, #1)
Publication date: April 2018
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

Part-time demon tracker, full-time optimist …

Talia White does what comes naturally to a Unicorn: Balances the scales between light and dark with hefty doses of love and joy.

Faced with a string of high profile demon possessions, Talia is determined to do her job, despite the fact that she finds herself strapped with a brooding dragon warrior as her new guardian.

That’s the trouble with Unicorns … they’ll get their way one way or another, even if they have to get a little stabby to accomplish their goals.

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Author Bio:

D.T. Dyllin is a bestselling author who writes paranormal, sci-fi, and contemporary romance. Basically, anything with a love story is her kryptonite. Her obsession with affairs-of-the-heart is what first drove her to begin twisting her own tales of scorching romance.

D.T. was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Black & Gold for life, baby!) She now lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her husband, and two spoiled German Shepherds.

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This beautiful cover was designed by Lindsay Tiry of LT Arts.