Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Giveaways

*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* New Release — Celestia: Unicorn Blessed Chronicles by Yumoyori Wilson @YumoyoriAuthor Tour by @XpressoTours

Celestia Yumoyori Wilson (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles #4) Publication date: November 11th 2018 Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance The Darkness is always portrayed as evil, but what if the Darkness simply wants to be accepted like any other element? To be…good and save humans and shifters alike? Celestia Rainbow goes from the lands of the living to… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* New Release — Celestia: Unicorn Blessed Chronicles by Yumoyori Wilson @YumoyoriAuthor Tour by @XpressoTours

Guest Post

(Guest Post) Leaning into Absurdity: My Midwest Book Tour for I Animal By Kevin Del Principe @kevdelprincipe

Leaning into Absurdity: My Midwest Book Tour for I Animal By Kevin Del Principe Writing a book seemed absurd; in part, because I had never written one before. It also felt important. So I wrote a book called I Animal about an LA screenwriter from just outside Buffalo, New York who is forced to return… Continue reading (Guest Post) Leaning into Absurdity: My Midwest Book Tour for I Animal By Kevin Del Principe @kevdelprincipe

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Giveaways · Reviews

Book Tour (REVIEW) Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton w/ Elderberry Cordial Recipe & #Giveaway Contest @girlswantago

Hello awesome readers. Welcome to my stop on the Book Tour for new release, Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton. I have a review for you of this book as well as a recipe straight from the heart of the story! Cordial Killing is a cozy mystery set in a B&B where the guests can learn… Continue reading Book Tour (REVIEW) Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton w/ Elderberry Cordial Recipe & #Giveaway Contest @girlswantago

Book Spotlight

*Book Spotlight — New Release* Soulless Creatures: Heart Scars by C. M. Blasco @SoullessBook #Free for a limited time!

Free for just a few days, new release by debut author, Soulless Creatures by C. M. Blasco. Is Lisa an innocent little girl, or a wicked monster? It's been 10 years since we last met, but she hasn’t aged in the slightest. She’s still the same girl I fell in love with when I was young, and who I've been trying to kill ever since. The only problem is: I can’t even lay a finger on her. She’s too strong for me, and claims that an even stronger vampire is the one really responsible for what she did. She needs my help to kill him, and I don’t know what to do…

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt

*Book Blitz w/ Excerpt* Hex Marks The Spot (Drop Dead Witchy #1) By Ani Gonzalez @_ani_gonzalez Tour by @lolasblogtours

This is my stop during the book blitz for Hex Marks The Spot by Ani Gonzalez. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 29 October till 4 November. See the tour schedule here. Hex Marks The Spot (Drop Dead Witchy #1) By Ani Gonzalez Genre: Urban Fantasy Age… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ Excerpt* Hex Marks The Spot (Drop Dead Witchy #1) By Ani Gonzalez @_ani_gonzalez Tour by @lolasblogtours

Book Spotlight

*Release Announcement* Kept in the Dark by Arjay Lewis @arjaylewiswrite

Released yesterday on Halloween paranormal horror novel, Kept in the Dark by Arjay Lewis. Kept in the Dark Blurb: Chilling doomsday predictions. Demons from another dimension. Is one doctor's delusional patient really meant to save the world? Psychiatrist Sam Lucas doesn't mind letting his patients drone on and on as long as the money keeps… Continue reading *Release Announcement* Kept in the Dark by Arjay Lewis @arjaylewiswrite

Book Spotlight

*Release Announcement* Beastly Deception by Ashley Elliott @aelliott1321

Hello awesome readers. Hope you guys are ready to have an awesome Halloween tomorrow! Also happening tomorrow is the release of this new book, Beastly Deception by Ashley Elliott. Blurb: Sixteen-year-old twins, Iliana and Landon Hargreaves, born to a noble family in nineteenth century London, are taken away from the only life they knew by… Continue reading *Release Announcement* Beastly Deception by Ashley Elliott @aelliott1321

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*New Release + #Giveaway + Excerpt* Not So Wicked by T. A. Moorman @GothicMoms

  Not So Wicked by T. A. Moorman Published October 30, 2018 by GothicMoms Studios YA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Synopsis: Caught in a realm they know next to nothing about, in a time where they're hated for not what they are but how they look, these supernatural teens may find it harder to curve their bloodlust… Continue reading *New Release + #Giveaway + Excerpt* Not So Wicked by T. A. Moorman @GothicMoms

Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ Oct. 23, 2018 ~ The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: — Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Oct. 23, 2018 ~ The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11


(REVIEW) What If Everybody Said That? by Ellen Javernick #Author & Colleen Madden #Illustrator. Illustrated children’s #bookreview

What If Everybody Said That? Author: Ellen Javernick Illustrator: Colleen Madden Category: Illustrated Children’s Book Suitable for: All ages, Ideal for ages 3 to 7. My Rating: 4 Stars Format Read for Review: Kindle First Pages: 24 Description: This is the story of a mean little girl who has her little clique and wont include anyone… Continue reading (REVIEW) What If Everybody Said That? by Ellen Javernick #Author & Colleen Madden #Illustrator. Illustrated children’s #bookreview


(REVIEW) FAT CAMP by James Sabata @JamesSabata #ihba

Since 1985, over 500 overweight teenagers have come to Camp Wašíču, looking to lose weight, gain self-confidence, and turn their lives around. Phillip McCracken arrives, weighing in at almost 400 pounds; but the baggage he carries from the past affects him much more deeply than the numbers of the scale. When a homicidal maniac hell-bent on revenge attacks, Phillip will be forced to either find the courage to save the people around him or fall victim to his own self-doubt…

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight

*New Release & Excerpt* Definition of Craving by Lia Peele @LiaPeeleAuthor #Erotica

Definition of Craving by Lia Peele Definition Series Book 2 Published August 21, 2018 Contemporary/Romance/Erotica Blurb: They could have it all … if the others let him go. Scarlett Trent is a woman who is in control. She’s a successful business owner, a contender for the North East Businesswoman of the Year Award, and a… Continue reading *New Release & Excerpt* Definition of Craving by Lia Peele @LiaPeeleAuthor #Erotica

Book Spotlight · Cover Reveal · Excerpt

*Cover Reveal & Excerpt* Relics of the Underworld (The Sage’s Legacy Book 3) by Alexa Whitewolf @alexa_whitewolf Cover by @AmmoniaCovers

Hello awesome readers! I am so excited to have the honor of sharing this gorgeous new book with you all! Relics of the Underworld by Alexa Whitewolf releases this Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2018 and today I get to share the Cover Reveal with you! *Drum roll* tah dah: Blurb Freya and Brennan barely have time… Continue reading *Cover Reveal & Excerpt* Relics of the Underworld (The Sage’s Legacy Book 3) by Alexa Whitewolf @alexa_whitewolf Cover by @AmmoniaCovers