Book Spotlight

New Release The Dreamkeepers by Antonio Zadra @DrZdreams

Hey awesome readers. I wanted to share an interesting book with you today. The Dreamkeepers by Antonio Zadra, this is a new release that is in my TBR stack. It’s a unique thriller where the evil can be found within a dream. I’m really interested in the premise of this one.


the dreamkeepersWhen Dr. James Dillan is called in to investigate the death of a woman in a remote area of the Italian Alps, he starts to unravel a sinister plot to subvert people’s dreams and create a world where malevolent powers will thrive.

Working alongside a detective he trusts and a brilliant colleague he secretly loves, Dillan discovers unsettling evidence about the woman’s death. Convinced that her young son—the only suspect in the case—is innocent, and troubled by his own increasingly ominous dreams, Dillan considers the unthinkable: that the dreams of humankind have been infiltrated.

Plunged into a world with workings that lie beyond his scientific grasp, Dillan embarks on an improbable journey to comprehend the forces lurking within our dreams. In so doing, he places himself on a course that will force him not only to confront his past, but also the clandestine forces bent on poisoning people’s dreams.

If you like H.P. Lovecraft, Ursula K. Le Guin, or enjoyed Inception, you’ll love THE DREAMKEEPERS.

Buy it on Amazon |Shelf it on Goodreads


What do you guys think of this one? Have you ever read a book with a dream setting? It’s an interesting environment with it’s own set of rules that are nothing like the real world so I’m excited to see how this one goes.


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3 thoughts on “New Release The Dreamkeepers by Antonio Zadra @DrZdreams

  1. WordsAndPeace says:

    Sounds good. Thanks for sharing

  2. Rae Longest says:

    Looks promising. Enjoy. Oh, and yes, we expect a full review. Le Guin followers, then of course I’ll read it too!

  3. odbookreviews says:

    Thanks, I’m looking forward to this one! Sounds like a plan!