Book Spotlight

New Release! Remember Me, Synthetica by K. Aten @WORDNRD68

Happy book birthday to, Remember Me, Synthetica by the award-winning author of a stunning variety of novels, K. Aten. This is my current read and I LOVING it. The main character is so unique let lovable and I’m really enjoying her journey. So far the love story has a great pace and the technology described is amazing. If you aren’t already be sure to follow my blog to see my review which will be posted right around the corner!

Remember Me Synthetica

Genres: Science Fiction, Artificial Intelligence, Lesbian Romance

Amazon Kindle | Paperback | Goodreads


What happens when a woman loses her memory but gains a conscience?

Dr. Alexandra Turing is a roboticist whose intellect is unrivaled in the field of artificial intelligence. While science has always come easy, Alexandra struggles to understand emotional cues and responses. Driven by the legacy of her late great-uncle, she dedicates her life to the Synthetica project at her father’s company, Organic Advancement Solutions (OAS).​

Her life is rebooted when she wakes from a coma, six months after being struck by a car. Traumatic brain injury altered Alex’s senses, her memory, and her personality. Despite the changes, she feels reborn as she navigates her way back into her old life. Part of her new journey includes dating the alluring Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Emily St. John.

Emily is enamored with the hyper-intelligent scientist, but there are things about Alex and OAS that don’t add up. With Emily’s prompting, Alex undergoes testing that leaves her with more questions than answers. What she discovers changes more than her life, it will change the world around her.

More books by K. Aten

Teaser for this book — First Lines Fridays

rainbow walkway

I can’t believe June is already over. What happened? I feel like I barely read and reviewed anything this month! Next month will surely be better though with many exciting books stacking my TBR. I want to know, what was the highlight of your Pride Month reading?

Pride reading doesn’t stop with pride month ending.
Here are 3 LGBT books by POC authors that you might be interested in:



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