Book Spotlight · Excerpt

About: Kindle Scout + Excerpt of The Step-Spinsters by Madina Papadopoulos @MadinaPaola

Hello awesome readers!

Have you heard of Kindle Scout? Just in case you haven’t, I’ll tell you a little about it because it is a great thing for readers and writers. Readers get to preview upcoming books, nominate ones that they like, and if the book is selected they get a free copy! Writers get their books published in 45 days or less through Kindle Press and the people who helped it get selected get a chance to read and review it. You can read all about the perks of that here.

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Some of the cool books I have nominated that have been selected!

I’ve been using Kindle Scout for about a year and I really enjoy getting to discover new books and help authors get a kick-start to their book launch. Sadly I haven’t actually read any of the books that I have received through Kindle Scout (yet), because, the authors who contact me by e-mail come first. I did however have the awesome luck of hearing from Madina Papadopoulos author of The Step-Spinsters, which gave me the chance to put that kindle scout book in my TBR! I am so excited to read her book. The Step-Spinsters is the story of Cinderella’s stepsisters and their mission to find grooms of their own. Lately I’ve been really drawn to fairy tale retellings and I love the outside-of-the-box sort of premise for this book, so you can imagine I was pleased as punch to hear from Madina! Here is a link to The Step-Spinsters on Kindle Scout.


Read an excerpt of the first few chapters of The Step-Spinsters here.


Once upon a time, in a land far, far away…

…(actually, in Medieval France, to be exact) there lived Cinderella’s stepsisters, Fredegonde the tall and Javotte the small. They wake up the morning after the legendary ball to learn that they each still have a chance to be the bride—all they have to do is make their feet fit into that tricky slipper. Alas, these two damsels under stress never quite seem to fit in anywhere. But that doesn’t stop them from wishing and hoping as they set upon a quest for grooms and grandeur of their own.

AUTHOR PHOTO Madina Papadopoulos author of Step Spinsters
Author Bio:

Madina Papadopoulos is a New Orleans–born, New York–based freelance writer and author. She studied French and Italian at Tulane University and went on to pursue her MFA in Screenwriting at UCLA. After graduating, she taught French and Italian to children in early childhood and elementary school programs. Her nonfiction freelance writing focuses on food, drink, and entertainment. She will probably be friends with you if you have a dog. If you’d like to keep tabs on The Step-Spinsters, you can find them on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.


Don’t forget there is still time to gain some daily entries in our giveaway contest that includes The Step-Spinsters and 6 other amazingly cool e-books of different genres.

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7 e-books will go to 3 winners (open internationally)!


Another great Kindle Scout find that is on my TBR, Up To No Good by Marsha Cornelius.

up to no goodRachel is about to turn forty and is underwhelmed with her life. Because she and her husband, Brian, work together, they have little to talk about. And the heat between the sheets has definitely cooled. Her only diversion these days seems to be the usual neighborhood gossip. She likes to think she’s inquisitive. Brian says she’s a snoop.

Lately, her nosy nature has escalated. She’s gotten it into her head that a house down the road might be used to make adult films. Her clues? The blinds are always drawn, and there are never any garbage cans at the curb. She’s determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, but if her snooping keeps uncovering unexpected dirt, it may very well be the last thing she ever does.


If you have used Kindle Scout I would love to hear about any great books you’ve discovered through it! If you are interested in scouting click here:

Peace! Happy reading.
