Book Spotlight

New Book Spotlight — Trafalgar by Nicholas Best @NickBestauthor @ThistleBooks

Hello awesome readers. Today I am announcing the paperback release of, Trafalgar. An action packed account of the most famous sea battle in history by historian and novelist Nicholas Best.

Trafalgar thumb

“Trafalgar was not only a great sea battle, it saved Britain from invasion by Napoleon.”


The Untold Story of the Greatest Sea Battle in History

Beginning with a vivid recreation of Napoleon’s army assembling at Boulogne for the invasion of England, Nicholas Best tells how the French fleet joined with their Spanish allies and set out for a decisive battle with the Royal Navy.

Following events through the eyes of eyewitnesses on the gun deck as well as the admiral’s cabins, he takes us to the Mediterranean and the West Indies and back to the coast of Spain as the rival fleets manoeuvre for advantage. Then follows his gripping minute-by-minute account of the actual battle: a truly murderous affair as the rival fleets trade cannon shots as point-blank range.


Nicholas Best

Nicholas Best grew up in Kenya and was educated there, in England and at Trinity College, Dublin. He served in the Grenadier Guards and worked in London as a journalist before becoming a fulltime author.

Formerly a literary critic for the Financial Times, he has written more than 20 books, both fiction and non-fiction, and is translated into many languages. His novel TENNIS AND THE MASAI was serialized on BBC Radio 4. His short story THE SOUVENIR was long-listed in 2010 for the Sunday Times-EFG Bank £30,000 award, the biggest short story prize in the world.

Nicholas Best lives in Cambridge, England. For more information, see

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