
(REVIEW) Alien Love Story by AK Dawson @andrewkdawson #scifi #bookreview

Update: I rarely (like never) change a rating but I’m changing this one from 3.5* to 4* because I found out that there IS a SEQUEL! Woohoo! My main issue was that this book didn’t have a solid ending or a sequel, but now that I know there is a sequel (and I am even currently reading it) I’ve adjusted the rating to a more accurate 4*. This book alone still has a terrible ending (otherwise I’d call it 4.5) but I did love it and it is very, very unique!

This was a tough review to write. It was a really funny book and I really enjoyed the story, so read on to see why I gave it 3.5 stars.



Alien Love Story

alien love story new coverAuthor: AK Dawson
Category: Science Fiction, Romance, Aliens, YA
Suitable for: Olderish teens+
My Rating: 4 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided by the author in return for an honest review.
Pages: 125

Description: A sci-fi romance about a 15 year old earth boy named Dan that suffers from severe migraines that are only soothed by the presence of a beautiful alien girl of about the same age. Dan, who is grieving the loss of his parents and brother consumes himself with tracking down this mysterious girl. Their love story takes them on a wild and dangerous adventure lightened with frequent humor.

“Stars surrounded him. Gravity deserted him. And Dan was floating in space.”

In Short: If you like the sound of a quirky love story between a human and alien with plenty of humor, action and danger check this one out. It does end in a cliffhanger so you will want (need) to read book 2: Alien Love Song.

“Everyone should try running naked through the corridors of an alien spacecraft at least once. It’s invigorating.”

Pros: This is a very unique story that is full of humor and consistently surprised me on all the turns through the story. It was a quick fun read. I would definitely read more by this author. This book is very funny, it made me laugh quite a few times. The characters in this book are interesting individuals. His nana is a constant source of humor. The dialogue is great and entertaining. The alien and space travel elements are awesome. I can’t say I’ve ever read anything like this before. It really made for an exciting and humorous read!

“Being abducted by aliens is as frightening and unnatural as going back to school after a long holiday.”

Cons: My biggest issue with this story is the ending. It ends suddenly with our protagonists still in danger. I feel like the story was still in progress and I’ve been left hanging. I’m very happy to have found out that there is a sequel! My other issue is that the main character, Dan, annoyed the crap out of me with his act first, think never style. He uses absolutely no logic or common sense and always says and does the wrong things. At first I blamed his single-mindedness of constantly stalking trying to find his dream girl on him being a 15 year old boy. But even 15 year olds know you don’t run around telling everyone your girlfriend is an alien unless you want her to get captured and dissected. His thought process and behavior overall was frustrating for me to read. Some things didn’t make complete sense like the house arrest bit.

“So, he was taking a risk. But Dan was in a reckless mood. He even bought a couple of spring rolls.”

Parent’s Guide & Trigger Warnings: Violence, gore, alien abduction violence, nudity, kissing, off-screen sex between minors.

reviewed by O


Because I am a terrible, terrible book reviewer I have had this book forever! So, I’ve included both the original cover it had when I received the book and it’s new cover on Amazon. I love both covers! I think maybe I prefer the original, but that could be just because I am more familiar with it. Which one do you like?

Also, See my Teaser Tuesday post featuring this book here.


Blurb off Amazon:

Love at first sighting.

Life is a headache for 15-year-old Dan. This isn’t some kind of metaphor. Dan suffers from migraines that make just about everything he does unbearable. Added to that he’s lost almost everyone he cares about. So he feels lonelier than the last puppy in a pet shop.

But one day he sees a mysterious girl digging in the rubbish bins behind his house. Just by being near her, he finds that all his pain goes away. So he wants to see her again, of course. And get to know her. But she’s a bit strange. And her big eyes make her look, well, like an alien.

Does she really exist? Or is she just a figment of an overactive, under-loved imagination?

Close encounters of the romantic kind.

From Northern England to outer space, and from Dan’s bedroom to the sandwich shop over the road, ALIEN LOVE STORY is about a close encounter of the romantic variety. But there’s more to it than that.

This book is about discovering parts of yourself you never knew existed. It’s about coping with grief and somehow moving on. And it’s about how Dan breaks into a mad scientist’s lab to perform a daring rescue — but that bit comes much later.

For now it’s enough to know there will be excitement, adventure and kissing. Lots of kissing. We did say it was a love story, didn’t we? So fasten your safety belt, put on some background music and enjoy the book.


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8 thoughts on “(REVIEW) Alien Love Story by AK Dawson @andrewkdawson #scifi #bookreview

  1. sjhigbee says:

    Oh… rude and disgusting words! I very much liked the sound of this one — but I’ve also just finished reading a couple of books where the ending left me completely dangling. And I HATE it… so no matter how entertaining and readable it is, I’m not going near it:(. Thank you for a cracking and very useful review, OD:))

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Yea I hate cliffhangers. Not gonna lie, when I saw the words THE END, I kinda tossed my iPad. I was having fun up until that point so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a sequel!

      1. sjhigbee says:

        Me too! Though you’re nicer than me — I don’t tend to follow up if there is a complete cliffhanger — how can I trust the author not to pull the same stunt another time?

    2. odbookreviews says:

      Ooh good point. That has happened to me before where I’ve read series that seemed to be one cliffhanger after the next. TV shows have even done that to me and then gone off the air =O. I feel good about taking the risk this time though because the author did send me the sequel after seeing the review 😉 I’ll let you know what I think of it!

      1. sjhigbee says:

        Oh please do — because this one really snagged my attention:))

  2. sjhigbee says:

    I’ve just read your review of the second book — lovely review btw — and now feel MUCH happier. Thank you for tackling these both so close together:)

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thank you. And trust me it was my pleasure!