Book Spotlight

*New Release Book Spotlight* The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin’ Tootin’ Dark Elf Shootin’ Sequel by Rhett Sinnema

Hello awesome readers. Got an announcement today about a brand spanking new book! The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin' Tootin' Dark Elf Shootin' Sequel by Rhett Sinnema was just released. This book follows closely behind Book 1 of the Spellbinder Saga, Artemis the Fey: A gun slingin' fantasy adventure, that was released last month. To avoid… Continue reading *New Release Book Spotlight* The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin’ Tootin’ Dark Elf Shootin’ Sequel by Rhett Sinnema

Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ May 19, 2020 ~ Mind The Edge by Bailey Mikkelson and Chris Luchian @collabookshelf

Hello awesome readers and welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: — Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “teaser”… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ May 19, 2020 ~ Mind The Edge by Bailey Mikkelson and Chris Luchian @collabookshelf


(REVIEW) The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

Hello awesome readers. Today I have a review for you for a full-blown-novel! Woohoo, about time! I know I haven't been reading and reviewing as much with my little one up and walking around now but I'm making the best of sheltering in place by reading as much as I can. She's never been good… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays Mini(REVIEW) Uncle Bud’s Health Mine and the Girl Who’s Going to Fix the World by Mary Patterson Thornburg @MaryPThornburg

Hello awesome readers. Today's short read Saturday is a quick little read from an author that is on my November TBR. Soon I'll be reading the novel A Glimmer of Guile by Mary Patterson Thornburg, but today I am reviewing one of my 24-hour read-a-thon reads, Uncle Bud's Health Mine and the Girl Who's Going… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays Mini(REVIEW) Uncle Bud’s Health Mine and the Girl Who’s Going to Fix the World by Mary Patterson Thornburg @MaryPThornburg


(REVIEW) Uncle Vernon by Jenny Twist @JennyTwist1 #HalloweenReading #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons

Hello awesome readers. I'm so glad I was able to knock another backlist book off my TBR! I haven't been able to read many backlisted books because I've been so busy reading 2018 releases as a judge for the Indie Horror Book Awards but I saved this special book from my TBR just for today…… Continue reading (REVIEW) Uncle Vernon by Jenny Twist @JennyTwist1 #HalloweenReading #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*New Release + #Giveaway + Excerpt* Not So Wicked by T. A. Moorman @GothicMoms

  Not So Wicked by T. A. Moorman Published October 30, 2018 by GothicMoms Studios YA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Synopsis: Caught in a realm they know next to nothing about, in a time where they're hated for not what they are but how they look, these supernatural teens may find it harder to curve their bloodlust… Continue reading *New Release + #Giveaway + Excerpt* Not So Wicked by T. A. Moorman @GothicMoms

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays Mini(REVIEW) Out of Time by Milo James Fowler @mfowler76 #TimeTravel short stories.

Hello awesome readers and welcome to another Short Reads Saturday. Those special Saturdays when we knock short books off our TBR list. I am obsessed with time travel so I am excited to share today's book which includes 2 short stories featuring strange anomalies in time… enjoy!

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight

*New Release & Excerpt* Definition of Craving by Lia Peele @LiaPeeleAuthor #Erotica

Definition of Craving by Lia Peele Definition Series Book 2 Published August 21, 2018 Contemporary/Romance/Erotica Blurb: They could have it all … if the others let him go. Scarlett Trent is a woman who is in control. She’s a successful business owner, a contender for the North East Businesswoman of the Year Award, and a… Continue reading *New Release & Excerpt* Definition of Craving by Lia Peele @LiaPeeleAuthor #Erotica


(REVIEW) A Cherry Sinister Murder: A Culinary Cozy Mystery by Nancy McGovern @AuthorNancyMcG and Cyra Bruce

Faith has always dreamed of owning her own bakery so when her grandmother called her and asked if she would be willing to take over her grandmother's bakery, Faith jumped at the opportunity. Making the move to Florida Faith eagerly began making improvements on the bakery while making new friends. A murder occurs and Faith finds herself the prime suspect.


(REVIEW) A Haunted Murder: A Lin Coffin Mystery, Book 1 by J. A. Whiting

A Haunted Murder: A Lin Coffin Mystery, Book 1 Author: J A Whiting Category: Mystery, Ghosts Suitable for: Teens thru adults My Rating: 4 Stars Format Read for Review: Kindle Pages: 199 Description: This story is about a woman named Lin Coffin that returns to the island of Nantucket where she grew up. After the death of… Continue reading (REVIEW) A Haunted Murder: A Lin Coffin Mystery, Book 1 by J. A. Whiting

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Hope and Walker by Andrew Cull @andrewcull

Hello awesome readers. Today I have a really stellar read for you for our Short Reads Saturday. I read, Hope and Walker by Andrew Cull. This is a ghost story set in Australia with a harrowing ending. I LOVED this read! Because this awesome book has been announced as a finalist in this year's Aurealis… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Hope and Walker by Andrew Cull @andrewcull


(REVIEW) The Step-Spinsters by Madina Papadopoulos @MadinaPaola @UnspunFairytale #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons #mustread

Hello awesome readers! I am excited to share another book now knocked off my TBR pile and what a fun read this was! A Cinderella retelling that shows you her step-sisters side of the story as well as their struggles for marriage in a wildly humorous and imaginative way. For the month of March this… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Step-Spinsters by Madina Papadopoulos @MadinaPaola @UnspunFairytale #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons #mustread

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Flipside by Jenny Twist @JennyTwist1 #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons

Hello awesome reader. Thank you for joining me on another short reads Saturday. I'm knocking off another book that's been on my TBR pile for almost a year. I had a lot of fun reading Romance books this February. A lot more fun than I thought I would actually. I'm also still working on The… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Flipside by Jenny Twist @JennyTwist1 #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons