#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Dead Over Heels by @tbraun_author

Hello awesome readers. Today I am reading a book recommended to me by of The Ghastly Grimoire. Right away I recognized Dead Over Heels as a book on my TBR. What I didn’t know was that I had miss-filed this book and had it sitting in the waiting room with all the full length e-books. Good thing I got this recommendation or it would still be sitting there and I wouldn’t have had such a fun Saturday! The icing on the cake is that this book is by Theresa Braun who is one of the writers for The Hardened Hearts Anthology which is a prize is our current giveaway. You can be one of 3 winners to win a copy here. After reading Dead Over Heels I can tell you want to win this book which contains so many talented authors.

Dead Over Heels is a haunting short story set around Christmas time and a must read for anyone who likes horror and ghost stories. Well, it’s already taken me almost a year, so without further ado, here is my review.


Dead Over Heels

DeadOverHeelsAuthor: Theresa Braun
Category: Ghost, Horror, Short Story
Suitable for: Tees+
My Rating: 5 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided by the author in return for an honest review.
Pages: 38

Description: Veronica, a 30+something year old is feeling a bit desperate to find true love so she casts a love spell of sorts. Soon after she meets Sebastian. She remains skeptical and lets love take its natural course but their dates are interrupted by supernatural occurrences. As they investigate the haunted River House Restaurant, dark secrets are revealed putting them in mortal danger.

“I purchased yet another glass tower of wax, this time red, sprinkling a smattering of herbs and oils onto that bad boy.”

In Short: Awesome short story. A must read for anyone who likes horror and ghost stories. It also blends so many other genres into it to create a very solid story. There are elements of romance, mystery, paranormal and a psychological thriller.

“I think we might already be on the ghost tour.”

Pros: The ending was awesome, surprising, and solid. Some short stories and especially ghost stories have ambiguous endings and I was so glad that this one did not. It was very haunting and left me thinking about all the characters, the heartbreak and the irony of it all. It’s a very chilling tale that packed so much story spanning so many years and many characters into very few pages. This book also successfully pulled off starting with an epilogue. I really liked the characters and thought there were sympathetic. Despite the few pages the characters were highly detailed and go on quite the emotional roller coaster. The love story was even realistic and often precarious. Well written; clear, easy to follow and devoid of distracting typos of any kind. I would definitely read more by this author and I highly recommend reading this book.

“A piercing shriek split the air.”

Cons: I have no notable issues with this book.

“A wind sent my hair flapping around my face. My bones chilled. All the hairs on the nape of my neck stood to attention, and I let go of Sebastian’s hand so I could wrap my arms around myself to generate some heat.”

Parent’s Guide: Graphic violence, gore. No sex.



reviewed by O sm

Don’t forget to get your free and easy entries to win a copy of Hardened Hearts anthology along with many other awesome books!



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