
Mini(REVIEW) Siphon by A. A. Medina #ihba

Hello awesome readers. This one was a tough review to write. I honestly didn’t like the book and overall it was very disturbing to read (if that is your thing you might love it, so keep an open mind). That being said, I really respect the author, his fearlessness to say freaking anything and the stunning cover he created for his book, dayum. Even though this book *gag* didn’t work for me, I would definitely read more by A. A. Medina. I might have even given it 3 stars if not for the scene with the prostitute on her period *gags again* but I look forward to seeing what else comes from this author, and encourage you to check this book out IF you like hardcore horror.



siphonAuthor: A. A. Medina
Category: Horror, Psychological Thriller, Short Story/Novelette
Suitable for: Adults Only
My Rating: 2 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided for judgement in the Indie Horror Book Awards.
Pages: 80 (Kindle) 126 (Paperback)


I almost didn’t finish this book many times. It was really dragging for me. Very little of interest happened until the midpoint and on. But even then it was still drawn out and boring. The weird, perverted, and gag worthy things that did happen along the way, to me only served only as shock value as the little meat of the story was very slowly revealed. The ending I will say was really good. I started to get into it at about 85% and it couldn’t have had a better ending. If you like a lot of gore, shocking obscenities with plenty of build up and suspense you might like this one. The writing was highly detailed and descriptive. Though this story wasn’t at all scary the creepy little horror story buried in there was interesting, I wish that had been explored more instead of the slow build that left me bored. This book is very graphic, and downright gross and I only recommend it to an adult audience.

reviewed by O sm



Dr. Gary Phillips, the resident hematopathologist at Claybrook Medical Center, is a lonely man struggling with the duress of an all work and no play lifestyle.

Burdened with an unhealthy infatuation with his co-worker, a burning disdain for his boss, and an abusive relationship with his grandfather, Gary just can’t catch a break.

That is, until a workplace accident ushers in a bizarre, but empowering experience that evokes a new sense of self, forcing repressed memories to surface while encouraging him to pursue his fantasies with unconventional methods.


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One thought on “Mini(REVIEW) Siphon by A. A. Medina #ihba

  1. sjhigbee says:

    Thank you for your honest and very helpful review, OD. Great job!