#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays Mini(REVIEW) Out of Time by Milo James Fowler @mfowler76 #TimeTravel short stories.

Hello awesome readers and welcome to another Short Reads Saturday. Those special Saturdays when we knock short books off our TBR list. I am obsessed with time travel so I am excited to share today’s book which includes 2 short stories featuring strange anomalies in time… enjoy!


Out of Time

out of time by milo james fowlerAuthor: Milo James Fowler
Category: Time Travel, Science Fiction, Short Stories
Suitable for: Teens+
My Rating: 4.5 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle
Pages: 38

I have Vic Boyo, Doofus Detective in: Double Murders are Twice as Bad by Milo James Fowler on my reading list and I am definitely looking forward to reading a full length novel by the author after reading these stories. Out of Time is a book that includes 2 short stories featuring elements of time travel. This was a very quick, fun read. If you like this genre I would recommend you check this book out.

One More Tuesday

The first story, One More Tuesday was a very creative twist on the good ol ‘ground hog day’ situation that we’ve seen a version of on just about every TV series. I really did love the way this one ended because I didn’t expect that however it was also super frustrating. The main character was quite frankly an idiot and very unlikable. I get that he had to be the way he was for the story to unfold the way it did but I didn’t feel he really tried hard enough to solve the problem and did something so stupid instead. Solely for that I’m taking off a half-star, which hardly seems fair because it was really original just frustrating to read at times.

Leap Day

The second story, Leap Day was way more fun! This time the main character was a lot more intelligent and quick to make good choices. In this short story a woman finds it’s 2012 in her bedroom, but 2 years in the future in her living room. Not wanting to miss out on what is happening in her current timeline she decides to sneak out her bedroom window and go help with a current crisis, however once outside she finds more distortions in time giving her a chance to change what happened. Will she save the day, or will history repeat itself? I wont spoil it for you, so go read it!

Parent’s Guide: Brief depictions of violence.


reviewed by O sm

More by Milo James Fowler

Some of these books are free or 99p so click away!

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7 thoughts on “#ShortReadsSaturdays Mini(REVIEW) Out of Time by Milo James Fowler @mfowler76 #TimeTravel short stories.

  1. sjhigbee says:

    Great reviews — I love the sound of Leap Day, what a cool premise! Thank you for sharing, O.D.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      It was very original, I really enjoyed it! Thanks for visiting 🙂

      1. sjhigbee says:

        Lovely to catch up with you O.D. — I’ve been away so much recently, I’ve been rubbish at keeping up with other people’s blogs.

        1. odbookreviews says:

          Me too, I don’t even remember what happened to September.

          1. sjhigbee says:

            I know! Last time I looked up, we were in mid-July…

  2. indiaemerald says:

    I’m intrigued by Leap Day, thanks for the reviews, I’m off to Amazon!

    1. odbookreviews says:

      I look forward to hearing what you think of it!