
Reading Goals for 2018 & Beat the Backlist Signup! #BeatTheBacklist @BeatTheBacklist hosted by @AustineDecker Go Team #DeweyDragons!

Hello awesome reader. So as I'm sure you've surmised I'm joining the Beat the Backlist 2018 Challenge hosted by NovelKnight. At first I was hesitant to sign up because I worried I don't read enough and I would let my team down. But because I so badly want to put a big dent in my… Continue reading Reading Goals for 2018 & Beat the Backlist Signup! #BeatTheBacklist @BeatTheBacklist hosted by @AustineDecker Go Team #DeweyDragons!


(REVIEW) Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher by Maxine Sylvester

Alrighty, here is my last holiday read of the season. This is a great book for kids to read every winter! If you haven't already heard of the Ronaldo The Flying Reindeer books check out my last review of Ronaldo: The Reindeer Flying Academy here. This book was our Book of the Month last January,… Continue reading (REVIEW) Ronaldo: The Phantom Carrot Snatcher by Maxine Sylvester

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Dead Over Heels by @tbraun_author

Hello awesome readers. Today I am reading a book recommended to me by E. M. Jenkinson of The Ghastly Grimoire. Right away I recognized Dead Over Heels as a book on my TBR. What I didn't know was that I had miss-filed this book and had it sitting in the waiting room with all the full length… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Dead Over Heels by @tbraun_author

Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ Dec. 12, 2017 ~ Up To No Good by @marshacornelius

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: -Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Dec. 12, 2017 ~ Up To No Good by @marshacornelius

Book Spotlight · Guest Post

Training the Brain for Shorts — Guest Post by Eddie Generous @GenerousEd @UnnervingMag

Hello awesome readers. Today I am delighted to share with you a special guest post about making the switch from writing novels to short stories. This inspirational and educational post is brought to us by one of our giveaway contributors, Eddie Generous. Training the Brain for Shorts Whether it’s Nanowrimo or the dream of seeing… Continue reading Training the Brain for Shorts — Guest Post by Eddie Generous @GenerousEd @UnnervingMag

Book Spotlight · Guest Post

Book Spotlight! Recently Released: The Burgas Affair by Ellis Shuman @ellisshuman

Hello awesome readers. Today I wanted to share with you this book that was just released! The Burgas Affair She’s an Israeli data analyst. He’s a headstrong Bulgarian detective. Together they must track down those responsible for a horrific bombing. In the wake of a deadly terrorist attack at Burgas Airport in Bulgaria, Israeli and Bulgarian… Continue reading Book Spotlight! Recently Released: The Burgas Affair by Ellis Shuman @ellisshuman

Book Spotlight · Excerpt

About: Kindle Scout + Excerpt of The Step-Spinsters by Madina Papadopoulos @MadinaPaola

Hello awesome readers! Have you heard of Kindle Scout? Just in case you haven't, I'll tell you a little about it because it is a great thing for readers and writers. Readers get to preview upcoming books, nominate ones that they like, and if the book is selected they get a free copy! Writers get… Continue reading About: Kindle Scout + Excerpt of The Step-Spinsters by Madina Papadopoulos @MadinaPaola

Book Spotlight · Excerpt

Released Today: Luska: Book One in the Spearfinger Series by Will Robinson @Willgacus *Excerpt*

Released Today, Luska: Book One in the Spearfinger Series by Will Robinson Blurb: Knowing the future can be burdensome, especially if that future is filled with death and destruction. Eidi Nimogen finds herself aware that her world is speeding toward cataclysm, yet there is nothing she can do, or so it seems. Witty, dour, and… Continue reading Released Today: Luska: Book One in the Spearfinger Series by Will Robinson @Willgacus *Excerpt*


The Brothers Three by Layton Green (REVIEW) #mustread Fantasy

I am so excited to share this review with you. This is one of the best books I have read this year. It blew me away, spoiler alert - 5 Stars! I drank "Dont Be An Idjit" (Supernatural Fandom loose tea) with it. Which was citrusy and uplifting, perfect to pull me through the darkest moments of… Continue reading The Brothers Three by Layton Green (REVIEW) #mustread Fantasy

Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Guest Post

Guest Post by Andrew Joyce @huckfinn76 — Excerpt from his new book: Bedtime Stories for Grown-Ups

Bedtime Stories for Grown-Ups is a jumble of genres—seven hundred pages of fiction and nonfiction … some stories included against the author’s better judgment. If he had known that one day they’d be published, he might not have been as honest when describing his past. Here is a tome of true stories about the author’s… Continue reading Guest Post by Andrew Joyce @huckfinn76 — Excerpt from his new book: Bedtime Stories for Grown-Ups