Book Spotlight

My Favorite Books Read in 2018 #Top10 Featuring authors: @jlightbody11 @jbennett830 @tbraun_author @MadinaPaola @jasekovacs @RRJames14 @casorensen @girlswantago @andrewcull @JennyTwist1

Hello awesome readers. It's almost 2019 here in Cali and time to share my favorite books that I read in 2018. Without further ado, here is my list! In no particular order. Top 10 Books of 2018 The Bug Jar by Ava Black (Psychological Thriller, Crime, Mental Illness Awareness) Reading Blue Devils by Jon Bennett… Continue reading My Favorite Books Read in 2018 #Top10 Featuring authors: @jlightbody11 @jbennett830 @tbraun_author @MadinaPaola @jasekovacs @RRJames14 @casorensen @girlswantago @andrewcull @JennyTwist1

Memes & Tags

The Versatile Blogger Award x2. Fun Facts About Me

Huge thank you to Mani's Book Corner and Bookbugworld for nominating me for The Versatile Blogger Award! You should check out both of their blogs! Rules: If you’re nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank the person who gave you the award. Include a link to their blog. Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve… Continue reading The Versatile Blogger Award x2. Fun Facts About Me

Memes & Tags

Book Blogger Q&A — Cliffhangers, Love Triangles, Faves, DNFS and more!

Hello awesome readers. So, I don't know the origin of this Q&A but I saw it on recently. I know I've seen it before and I always meant to do it.. and hey look! I finally got around to it! These were pretty fun questions to answer, if you are a book blogger as… Continue reading Book Blogger Q&A — Cliffhangers, Love Triangles, Faves, DNFS and more!

Product Reviews · Uncategorized

My New Journal from Soothi @ShopSoothi — Now, what to write?

I hope everyone had wonderful holidays, and Happy New Year! A new year, a new adventure! Today, I wanted to share this gift I got from Soothi. It is a beautiful handmade leather journal with the quote "In the end we'll all become stories." by Margaret Atwood embossed on the cover. The first thing I noticed… Continue reading My New Journal from Soothi @ShopSoothi — Now, what to write?


Reading Goals for 2018 & Beat the Backlist Signup! #BeatTheBacklist @BeatTheBacklist hosted by @AustineDecker Go Team #DeweyDragons!

Hello awesome reader. So as I'm sure you've surmised I'm joining the Beat the Backlist 2018 Challenge hosted by NovelKnight. At first I was hesitant to sign up because I worried I don't read enough and I would let my team down. But because I so badly want to put a big dent in my… Continue reading Reading Goals for 2018 & Beat the Backlist Signup! #BeatTheBacklist @BeatTheBacklist hosted by @AustineDecker Go Team #DeweyDragons!