Book Spotlight

My Favorite Books Read in 2018 #Top10 Featuring authors: @jlightbody11 @jbennett830 @tbraun_author @MadinaPaola @jasekovacs @RRJames14 @casorensen @girlswantago @andrewcull @JennyTwist1

Hello awesome readers. It's almost 2019 here in Cali and time to share my favorite books that I read in 2018. Without further ado, here is my list! In no particular order. Top 10 Books of 2018 The Bug Jar by Ava Black (Psychological Thriller, Crime, Mental Illness Awareness) Reading Blue Devils by Jon Bennett… Continue reading My Favorite Books Read in 2018 #Top10 Featuring authors: @jlightbody11 @jbennett830 @tbraun_author @MadinaPaola @jasekovacs @RRJames14 @casorensen @girlswantago @andrewcull @JennyTwist1

Book Spotlight

New Release — Willoughby’s Time & Space App by Jon Koons @JestmasterJon #RRSciFiMonth

Hello awesome readers, I am happy to announce the release of a new science fiction novel suitable for adults and teens that fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy will want to check out! Released today Nov. 30th by Mindbender Press, Willoughby's Time & Space App by Jon Koon. Two Human Teens. One Intergalactic Resort. An Alien Pageant Under Attack. Time to Party!


*Interview* Q&A with author, Ava Black @jlightbody11 Talking about her thriller The Bug Jar, writing, and mental health awareness!

Hello awesome readers I am so excited to share with you my interview with author, Ava Black. She recently released a psychological thriller called The Bug Jar, which you could currently win a signed copy of here, and an e-copy here. O's Interview With Ava Black O: Hello Ava, thank you so much for joining… Continue reading *Interview* Q&A with author, Ava Black @jlightbody11 Talking about her thriller The Bug Jar, writing, and mental health awareness!

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight

*New Release & Excerpt* Definition of Craving by Lia Peele @LiaPeeleAuthor #Erotica

Definition of Craving by Lia Peele Definition Series Book 2 Published August 21, 2018 Contemporary/Romance/Erotica Blurb: They could have it all … if the others let him go. Scarlett Trent is a woman who is in control. She’s a successful business owner, a contender for the North East Businesswoman of the Year Award, and a… Continue reading *New Release & Excerpt* Definition of Craving by Lia Peele @LiaPeeleAuthor #Erotica

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Giveaways · Guest Post

*Guest Post* Writing Books vs. Writing for Film — Blog Tour: Jinxed by Thommy Hutson @ThommyHutson w/ #Giveaway Tour by @XpressoTours

Jinxed Thommy Hutson Publication date: March 13th 2018 Genres: Horror, Thriller, Young Adult High School Can Be a Real Killer Break a mirror Walk under a ladder Step on a crack Innocent childhood superstitions … But someone at the secluded Trask Academy of Performing Arts is taking things one deadly step further when the campus… Continue reading *Guest Post* Writing Books vs. Writing for Film — Blog Tour: Jinxed by Thommy Hutson @ThommyHutson w/ #Giveaway Tour by @XpressoTours

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*Book Blitz* Grayghost by Tamara Grantham w/ #Giveaway, Deleted Scenes & more! Tour by @XpressoTours

Hello awesome readers. Welcome to my stop on the blitz tour for Grayghost by Tamara Grantham. Be sure to enter the giveaway and enjoy the excerpt and deleted scene! Grayghost by Tamara Grantham (Fairy World MD., #7) Published by: Crimson Tree Publishing Publication date: February 26th 2018 Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance The final installment in the… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Grayghost by Tamara Grantham w/ #Giveaway, Deleted Scenes & more! Tour by @XpressoTours

Book Spotlight

Book Spotlight — Recently Released: Balam, Spring by Travis M Riddle @traviswanteat

Recently Released: Balam, Spring by Travis M. Riddle Balam is a sleepy town on the eastern coast of Atlua, surrounded by forest and sea. It’s a village where nothing happens and everybody knows each other. But now, people are dying. School is out for the spring, and schoolteacher Theodore Saen is ready to spend the next… Continue reading Book Spotlight — Recently Released: Balam, Spring by Travis M Riddle @traviswanteat

Book Spotlight · Excerpt

Release Announcement w/ Excerpt — In the Event the Flower Girl Explodes by Abby Rosmarin @thatabbyrose

Released Today! In The Event the Flower Girl Explodes by Abby Rosmarin Blurb: It’s the wedding of the century. Her big brother — the man who was a second father to her after their dad passed — is the groom. And Nicole is fighting just to keep her head above water. She’s surrounded by an… Continue reading Release Announcement w/ Excerpt — In the Event the Flower Girl Explodes by Abby Rosmarin @thatabbyrose


Reading Goals for 2018 & Beat the Backlist Signup! #BeatTheBacklist @BeatTheBacklist hosted by @AustineDecker Go Team #DeweyDragons!

Hello awesome reader. So as I'm sure you've surmised I'm joining the Beat the Backlist 2018 Challenge hosted by NovelKnight. At first I was hesitant to sign up because I worried I don't read enough and I would let my team down. But because I so badly want to put a big dent in my… Continue reading Reading Goals for 2018 & Beat the Backlist Signup! #BeatTheBacklist @BeatTheBacklist hosted by @AustineDecker Go Team #DeweyDragons!

Book Spotlight · Guest Post

Training the Brain for Shorts — Guest Post by Eddie Generous @GenerousEd @UnnervingMag

Hello awesome readers. Today I am delighted to share with you a special guest post about making the switch from writing novels to short stories. This inspirational and educational post is brought to us by one of our giveaway contributors, Eddie Generous. Training the Brain for Shorts Whether it’s Nanowrimo or the dream of seeing… Continue reading Training the Brain for Shorts — Guest Post by Eddie Generous @GenerousEd @UnnervingMag


Bookish Halloween #Giveaway — Oct. 1 to Nov. 1

Hello all! Welcome to the second annual Bookish Halloween Giveaway contest! This year we have 7 amazingly awesome and generous authors giving their e-books to 3 winners! Contest open internationally. Ends midnight PST on Nov. 1, 2017. Entering is free and easy through Rafflecopter. No newsletter signups are required. Your e-mail is only needed to… Continue reading Bookish Halloween #Giveaway — Oct. 1 to Nov. 1