#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Heart of a Highlander by Collette Cameron @Collette_Author

  Happy Saturday awesome readers. Today I'm reading another romance book with a Valentine's theme. This one is a historical romance that brings some Valentine's folklore into the mix. As a huge Karen Marie Moning fan, this book really hit the spot. I would definitely read more by Collette Cameron. Without further ado, here is… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Heart of a Highlander by Collette Cameron @Collette_Author


(REVIEW) The Reflections of Queen Snow White

The Reflections of Queen Snow White Author: David Meredith Category: Fantasy, Drama, Fairy Tales Retold Suitable for: Adults My Rating: 4 Stars Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided by the author in return for an honest review. Pages: 155 Description: After happily ever after has come an gone an aging Snow White is losing herself to… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Reflections of Queen Snow White