Book Spotlight

*Book Spotlight — New Release* Soulless Creatures: Heart Scars by C. M. Blasco @SoullessBook #Free for a limited time!

Free for just a few days, new release by debut author, Soulless Creatures by C. M. Blasco. Is Lisa an innocent little girl, or a wicked monster? It's been 10 years since we last met, but she hasn’t aged in the slightest. She’s still the same girl I fell in love with when I was young, and who I've been trying to kill ever since. The only problem is: I can’t even lay a finger on her. She’s too strong for me, and claims that an even stronger vampire is the one really responsible for what she did. She needs my help to kill him, and I don’t know what to do…


(REVIEW) Uncle Vernon by Jenny Twist @JennyTwist1 #HalloweenReading #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons

Hello awesome readers. I'm so glad I was able to knock another backlist book off my TBR! I haven't been able to read many backlisted books because I've been so busy reading 2018 releases as a judge for the Indie Horror Book Awards but I saved this special book from my TBR just for today…… Continue reading (REVIEW) Uncle Vernon by Jenny Twist @JennyTwist1 #HalloweenReading #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons


(REVIEW) State of Emergency by Mary Hallberg #HalloweenReads YA Zombie Survival Horror #BeatTheBackList

State of Emergency Author: Mary Hallberg Category: YA, Zombie Outbreak, Survival Horror, Romance Suitable for: 13+ My Rating: 4 Stars Format Read for Review: Paperback copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Pages: 151 Description: A truck transferring hazardous chemicals crashes in a cemetery and leaks its poison into the water… Continue reading (REVIEW) State of Emergency by Mary Hallberg #HalloweenReads YA Zombie Survival Horror #BeatTheBackList


(REVIEW) The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #mentalhealthawareness #giveaway

Hey awesome readers. I'm excited to share my review of The Bug Jar by Ava Black. The mystery in this stunning psychological thriller kept me guessing til the end and I stayed up til 4AM one night to finish it because I just couldn't put it down! There is still 1 week left to win… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #mentalhealthawareness #giveaway

Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ Oct. 23, 2018 ~ The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: — Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Oct. 23, 2018 ~ The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11

Excerpt · Reviews

(REVIEW) Land of Bones by Glenn Rolfe @GRolfeHorror — 14 Tales of the Strange and Macabre #ihba @freeman_ac

A fun horror anthology with a variety of monsters, some new and some a twist on the familiar. I devoured this read quickly and enjoyed every minute of it. Each story is like a dark little mystery that unveils itself in new and shocking ways. If you like short story anthologies and horror you can't pass this one up… Read on to see the full review…


*Interview* Q&A with author, Ava Black @jlightbody11 Talking about her thriller The Bug Jar, writing, and mental health awareness!

Hello awesome readers I am so excited to share with you my interview with author, Ava Black. She recently released a psychological thriller called The Bug Jar, which you could currently win a signed copy of here, and an e-copy here. O's Interview With Ava Black O: Hello Ava, thank you so much for joining… Continue reading *Interview* Q&A with author, Ava Black @jlightbody11 Talking about her thriller The Bug Jar, writing, and mental health awareness!

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays Mini(REVIEW) Out of Time by Milo James Fowler @mfowler76 #TimeTravel short stories.

Hello awesome readers and welcome to another Short Reads Saturday. Those special Saturdays when we knock short books off our TBR list. I am obsessed with time travel so I am excited to share today's book which includes 2 short stories featuring strange anomalies in time… enjoy!


(REVIEW) Illustrated Children’s Book — What You Gonna Do With All That Belly? (My Crazy Stories Series)

Just in time for those Halloween treat bags, an illustrated children's book about candy, and that you shouldn't eat too much of it! Ronnie loves candy and just wants to eat it all day and never play or exercise, despite his friends urging him to stop eating candy and play with them. One night before bed his wishes his last gummy bear will grow huge so that he will have a ton to eat. He then dreams about his gummy bear going on a eating rampage, destroying the whole town! In order to save the town he talks the bear into playing and exercising away all his jelly belly. The next day he wakes up with a new attitude and goes out to play with his friends…

Book Spotlight · Excerpt

*Book Spotlight & Excerpt* If I Die Before I Wake by Martii Maclean @MacleanMartii

Vreni is fifteen and cursed. The curse was placed on her grandmother centuries ago and has been passed down through the women in her family, so Vreni has slept and woken at the whim of the curse since her birth over a century ago. She is kept isolated from the world by her reclusive family, and yearns for a normal life- shopping, boys, even just being allowed to go to school. Her family grants her wish to spend a day in the city and her sheltered, predictable life unravels.


(REVIEW) FAT CAMP by James Sabata @JamesSabata #ihba

Since 1985, over 500 overweight teenagers have come to Camp Wašíču, looking to lose weight, gain self-confidence, and turn their lives around. Phillip McCracken arrives, weighing in at almost 400 pounds; but the baggage he carries from the past affects him much more deeply than the numbers of the scale. When a homicidal maniac hell-bent on revenge attacks, Phillip will be forced to either find the courage to save the people around him or fall victim to his own self-doubt…