#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Hope and Walker by Andrew Cull @andrewcull


Hello awesome readers. Today I have a really stellar read for you for our Short Reads Saturday. I read, Hope and Walker by Andrew Cull. This is a ghost story set in Australia with a harrowing ending. I LOVED this read! Because this awesome book has been announced as a finalist in this year’s Aurealis Awards, the author is offering the e-book for free this weekend and next weekend! So… be sure to get on that!


Hope and Walker

(An outback ghost story)

20180323_233436Author: Andrew Cull
Category: Horror, Thriller, Ghosts, Fiction, Short Story
Suitable for: PG13
My Rating: 5 Stars
Format Read for Review: Complimentary paperback copy in return for an honest review.
Pages: 34

Description: Em is a 10 year old girl who’s family owns a funeral parlor. She likes to sneak around with her drawing pad and talk to the dead. One day the dead talk back revealing deadly secrets to her.

“We were both 10. But he was dead. And I sat drawing him.”

In Short: This was a fantastic short story. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys short reads with horror, ghosts or mystery themes. The story was very complete and made for a quick and fun read!

“While I drew, I talked to the person in the casket, and when I was done, I’d stand up on my chair, kiss them on the forehead and wish them well.”

Pros: The characters, setting and back story are all brought to life beautifully in the beginning. The plot takes exciting turns and then has a very dramatic and thoroughly enjoyable ending. It was quite shocking, but I wont spoil anything for you! This definitely makes my list of top short reads. It is also the type of horror I enjoy, non-gory but quite chilling.

“I stopped at the door to the Chapel. I didn’t know why yet, but I was scared.”

Cons: I have no notable issues with this book.

“I never heard a scream like that before.”

Parent’s Guide: Some brief violence. Nothing too graphic.


Author Links:

Official Site

More by Andrew Cull:


reviewed by O sm

hope and walker short reads saturday


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My drink pairing for this supernatural read, Don’t Be An Idjit, available at Adagio. A bright uplifting drink to kick off my Saturday.

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