Mini-review for illustrated children's book, Polar Bear Postman by Seigo Kijima. Like last week unfortunately this is another example of why I hate getting illustrated children's books from Netgalley. Polar Bear Postman Author: Seigo Kijima. Category: Illustrated Children's Book Suitable for: All ages, ideal for 4-8 My Rating: 1.5 Stars Format Used for Review: Kindle copy received… Continue reading (Mini-Review) Polar Bear Postman by Seigo Kijima
First Lines Friday — June 5, 2020
Hello awesome readers. Today I got a fun one for you! Another First Lines Friday this time featuring a comedy! I'm really looking forward to this book. First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author, or its… Continue reading First Lines Friday — June 5, 2020
(REVIEW) Kuma-Kuma Chan’s Travels by Kazue Takahashi
Hello awesome readers. I'm reviewing a children's book today, and this is a perfect example of why I hate being sent requests for children's books on Netgalley. Click the wrong link, find it automatically added to my shelf (affecting my ratio), receive a mess of an e-book that I'm supposed to use for review. A… Continue reading (REVIEW) Kuma-Kuma Chan’s Travels by Kazue Takahashi
*Book Blitz Blog Tour* TENTH STEM by Mary Cook @tootiehead Tour by @RockstarBkTours
Hello awesome readers! Today I'm participating in a book tour for TENTH STEM by Mary Cook. This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours & Mary. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below. About The Book: Title: TENTH STEM Author: Mary… Continue reading *Book Blitz Blog Tour* TENTH STEM by Mary Cook @tootiehead Tour by @RockstarBkTours
Blog Tour & Book Review — The Krome Kids by Chloe Tew. Tour by @YABoundToursPR
The Krome Kids Summary: Janet, Rita, Jimmy, Finn and Kimberley are used to feeling unsafe and without protection. But when their parents leave them, they learn what it's truly like to be alone in the world. Amazon | Goodreads Blog Tour Organized By: YA Bound Book Tours Author: Chloe Tew Genre: YA Contemporary Fiction, Short… Continue reading Blog Tour & Book Review — The Krome Kids by Chloe Tew. Tour by @YABoundToursPR
(REVIEW) Lust, Lies and Monarchy by Stephen Millar
Hello awesome readers. Today I have a review for you of a historical nonfiction book that tells you the stories behind the art of British royals throughout the years. I have mixed feelings about this book. I thought it was a bit boring and repetitive, but history isn't my thing, so I can recommend it… Continue reading (REVIEW) Lust, Lies and Monarchy by Stephen Millar
Books to Read for Pride Month
Hello awesome readers. With June right around the corner, I wanted to make a post of a few book recommendations to pick up to read during Pride Month! Let me know what you'll be reading for the month of June in the comments! 🌈 If you don't know what Pride Month is, it is a… Continue reading Books to Read for Pride Month
First Lines Friday — May 29, 2020
Hey awesome readers, it's time for another First Lines Fridays, a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by Wandering Words that I discovered over at One More Chapter (be sure to check them both out). What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author, or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines?… Continue reading First Lines Friday — May 29, 2020
*New Release Book Spotlight* Cut Throat by Charlie Dalton
Hello awesome readers. Heads up, tomorrow the sequel to Cut & Run will be released. Cut Throat by Charlie Dalton is Book 2 in the Cut Off Series. If you're looking for some post-apocalyptic dystopian novels to make you feel better about our world check these out! What I'm grateful for today… electricity. Cut &… Continue reading *New Release Book Spotlight* Cut Throat by Charlie Dalton
(REVIEW) Happy Birthday by Mamoru Suzuki
Hello awesome readers. I hope you have been doing well and managing with lockdown. It honestly hasn't been that bad for us, our toddler keeps us very busy. One downside though was having to postpone her first birthday party! This was an occasion I was super excited for and I even ordered everything for her… Continue reading (REVIEW) Happy Birthday by Mamoru Suzuki
*New Release Book Spotlight* The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin’ Tootin’ Dark Elf Shootin’ Sequel by Rhett Sinnema
Hello awesome readers. Got an announcement today about a brand spanking new book! The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin' Tootin' Dark Elf Shootin' Sequel by Rhett Sinnema was just released. This book follows closely behind Book 1 of the Spellbinder Saga, Artemis the Fey: A gun slingin' fantasy adventure, that was released last month. To avoid… Continue reading *New Release Book Spotlight* The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin’ Tootin’ Dark Elf Shootin’ Sequel by Rhett Sinnema

*Book Spotlight* Newly Released Box Set — Everville: Books 1-4 by Roy Huff @realroyhuff & #FreeBook!
Hello awesome readers. What have you been reading? Would you say you've gotten more reading down while in lockdown? Today, I'd like to share with you a newly released Fantasy box set, Everville: Books 1-4 by Roy Huff. I also have a link for you to get a free space opera short story. If you have… Continue reading *Book Spotlight* Newly Released Box Set — Everville: Books 1-4 by Roy Huff @realroyhuff & #FreeBook!
Q&A with Martti Nelson — Author of LYSSA STRATA
Hey awesome readers, today I am joined by Martti Nelson author of newly released comedy LYSSA STRATA. Find the interview and more info about her book below! Interview with Martti Nelson, author of LYSSA STRATA This is obviously a unique tale, what do you think makes it special? One of the best things… Continue reading Q&A with Martti Nelson — Author of LYSSA STRATA
(REVIEW) Dr. Herbert West & Astounding Tales of Medical Malpractice by Bruce Brown #ShortReadsSaturdays
Hello awesome readers. Today I'm doing another Short Reads Saturdays where I knock out a review for one of the shorter books on my TBR pile. Today's book is a really fun one. A graphic novel about a child genius who causes catastrophes with his mad science wherever he goes. I hope you enjoy my… Continue reading (REVIEW) Dr. Herbert West & Astounding Tales of Medical Malpractice by Bruce Brown #ShortReadsSaturdays
First Lines Friday — May 22, 2020
Woo here we go, another First Lines Fridays, a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by Wandering Words that I discovered over at One More Chapter (be sure to check them both out). What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author, or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines? If you… Continue reading First Lines Friday — May 22, 2020